I love lists, especially this one.

Today was a big day for my new company, Modern Age Employment Law LLC.

Today was the day I realized I had too many client matters to keep track of in my head, so I needed to write a list.

That may not sound like a big deal; and for most of my 20+ years as an employment lawyer, it certainly wouldn’t be. I’ve always had an active matter list that I keep handy, and my matter list would often be much longer than this one is.

But I started Modern Age Employment Law less than four months ago, and I had zero clients on day one. So the fact that I now have over 10 clients who are trusting me with their employment law work is a big deal to me.

I intended to make a big announcement on LinkedIn and elsewhere about my new company when I officially started accepting clients. But then a funny thing happened—former clients found me and I got so busy that marketing my new company became secondary to doing good work for my new company’s clients.

For anyone who’s started their own company, you know what I mean when I say there was a LOT of work to do to get to this point. Meaning both the flurry of learning and activity that goes into creating a company out of thin air, and the many years of relationship-building I’ve done with thousands of HR professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, in-house counsel, law firm attorneys, plaintiffs’ counsel, and members of various boards, committees, business groups, etc.

I love my clients. I love the satisfaction of creating and running Modern Age Employment Law.

To my current clients: What an honor you’ve given me by trusting me with your employment law challenges. Thank you!


Employment law posters are sexy*, so I’m giving you a series about them!


What?!? The 10th Circuit just found that a request for a new supervisor is a “reasonable accommodation” under the ADA?